weitere Termine:
  1. Mi 11.09.2024 18:30 Uhr
Bildcollage mit einem phantastischem Raumschiff zwischen Jupiter, Mars und Saturnringen.

The Planets – Expedition into the Solar System

In recent years, space probes have been sent to explore the planets of our Solar System, such as Mars and Jupiter. In The Planets — Expedition into the Solar System you will be taken on a trip to discover for yourself the wonders of our cosmic neighbours through the eyes of these space voyagers.

You will travel far from Earth and experience these worlds just like the space travellers of the future will. You will also come closer to the distant siblings of the Earth than ever before, and explore landscapes that might seem unbelievable, but which actually exist!

Explore the mighty valleys and volcanoes of Mars, visit a comet and immerse yourself in the swirling clouds of gas on the giant planet Jupiter! Cross the rings of Saturn, and venture into the icy world of the dwarf planet Pluto at the very edge of our Solar System! The wonders of the Solar System await you.

A program created by 20 planetariums from Germany, Austria and Switzerland with Tom Zahner as speaker and music written by Frank Wolff. Produced at the Münster Planetarium under the direction of Dr. Björn Voss.